Reuse of a residue from petrochemical industry with portland cement

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Janneth Torres Agredo
Jenny J Trochez Serna
Ruby Mejía de Gutierrez


Spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst, heavy metals, stabilization/solidification, blended cement.


In this article the possibility of using waste from the petrochemical industry,as partial replacement of Portland cement is studied, evaluating the presence
of contaminants in the waste and the encapsulation, once it is confined on the cement. This has been done, in order to find a use to this residue without cause damage to the environment. This residue, called spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst (FCC), is mainly formed by a type Y zeolite, which is dispersing in an inorganic oxides matrix. The toxicity characteristic leaching proceeding was applied, in mortars adding with 20% of FCC as Portland cement replacement. The results showed that the residue does not represent a problem from the point of view of the leaching of elements, such as As, Pb, Zn, Cr, and La, which were below to the permissible limits. Additionally, the pozzolanic activity of FCC was evaluated according to ASTM C311, where the efficiency of the residue as pozzolanic addition is demonstrated. With the results the importance of reusing a residue of the petrochemical industry is emphasized, that decreases the amount of cement to be used and improves the mechanical resistance of the materials containing it.

PACS: 81., 87.64.Ee


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