
Evaluation of mixing conditions and its influence over free residual

C Montoya, C H Cruz, P Torres, Santiago Laín, J C Escobar
Abstract 1782 | PDF (Español) Downloads 950 | DOI

Page 9-30

Deposition of ZnSO4 · 3Zn(OH)2 · 4H2O films by SILAR method and their study by XRD, SEM and µ-Raman

F N Jiménez García, H H Ortiz Alvarez, H Reyes Pineda
Abstract 1217 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1336 | DOI

Page 31-45

Al2O3 sintered pellets as thermoluminescent dosimeters

Amalia Osorio, Juana Salcedo, Rafael Cogollo
Abstract 885 | PDF (Español) Downloads 387 | DOI

Page 47-64

Semantic similarity estimation of tasks between telecommunications business processes

Leandro Ordóñez Ante, Adriana X Bastidas Narváez, Juan Carlos Corrales
Abstract 984 | PDF (Español) Downloads 534 | DOI

Page 65-95

Logic of the tautologies

Manuel Sierra A.
Abstract 814 | PDF (Español) Downloads 771 | DOI

Page 96-119

Optimal Phase Balancing Planning for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems using a Specialized Genetic Algorithm

Mauricio Granada Echeverri, Ramón Alfonso Gallego Rendón, Jesús María López Lezama
Abstract 1513 | PDF Downloads 674 | DOI

Page 121-140

Reuse of a residue from petrochemical industry with portland cement

Janneth Torres Agredo, Jenny J Trochez Serna, Ruby Mejía de Gutierrez
Abstract 1631 | PDF (Español) Downloads 945 | DOI

Page 141-156

Bayesian estimation of a proportion under an asymmetric observation error

Juan Carlos Correa Morales, Juan Carlos Salazar Uribe
Abstract 818 | PDF (Español) Downloads 732 | DOI

Page 157-170


Characterization, identification and location of voltage sags: review of state of art

Jairo Blanco Solano, Johann F Petit Suárez, Gabriel Ordoñez Plata, Víctor Barrera Núñez
Abstract 1750 | PDF (Español) Downloads 554 | DOI

Page 191-220

Floating macrophytes on the wastewater treatment: a state of the art review

Jorge Martelo, Jaime A Lara Borrero
Abstract 3279 | PDF (Español) Downloads 36905 | DOI

Page 221-143