Al2O3 sintered pellets as thermoluminescent dosimeters

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Amalia Osorio
Juana Salcedo
Rafael Cogollo


Al2O3, dosimetry, thermoluminescence.


Verification of the radiation doses received by the area exposed during medical treatment is essential for assessing any scheme radiotherapy. This work
describes the characteristic thermoluminescent (TL) of sintered Al2O3 pellets, for its use as dosimeter dose low. Sintered Al2O3 pellets under different calcinations with a diameter of 5 mm and a thickness of 1 mm, they were irradiated to different dose using an unit of
60 Co Theratron 780Cr in air to ambient temperature. The reading was carried in a Harshaw TLD 4500. The
main dosimetric properties of the material (glow curve, response reproducibility, reutilization, linearity and fading) have been studied in detail. The glow
curve of the thin sintered Al2O3 pellets presents an intense peak TL to about 165◦C, which can be used for dosimetry. The results show that the pellets can
be used in quality control programs as thermoluminescent dosimeter in therapeutic dose range. The importance of this work is that the aluminum oxide (α−Al2O3) is a promising alternative in TL materials used for dosimetry “in vivo” within quality control programs.

PACS: 29.40.-n, 81.40.Wx


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