
K-deformed conic sections

Juan Carlos Arango Parra, Héctor Román Quiceno Echavarría, Osiris Plata Lobo
Abstract 1347 | PDF (Español) Downloads 690 | DOI

Page 9-29

Finite dimensional commutative K-algebras with unity

Claudia Granados-Pinzón, Wilson Olaya-León
Abstract 840 | PDF (Español) Downloads 606 | DOI

Page 31-49

Generalized Extended Matrix Variate Beta and Gamma Functions and Their Applications

Daya K. Nagar, Sergio Alexander Gómez-Noguera, Arjun K Gupta
Abstract 1401 | PDF Downloads 754 | DOI

Page 51-82

Optimal dismantling of criminal networks. A perspective from the mathematical and computational modeling

Tomas Angel Sarmiento Bahoque, John Fredys Cantillo Palacio, John Eduardo Realpe Gómez, Javier Antonio Montoya Martínez
Abstract 961 | PDF (Español) Downloads 464 | DOI

Page 83-103

Design agent based model to study the impact of social cohesion and victimization in the criminal behavior

Rafael Ricardo Renteria, José Adalberto Soto Mejia
Abstract 747 | PDF (Español) Downloads 487 | DOI

Page 105-127

Hardware Design of the Discrete Wavelet Transform: an Analysis of Complexity, Accuracy and Operating Frequency

Dora M. Ballesteros L., Diego Renza, Luis Fernando Pedraza
Abstract 4088 | PDF Downloads 712 | DOI

Page 129-148

Spectral Efficiency Regions Associated to Satisfaction of QoS Based Bandwidth Strategies

Evelio Astaiza, Héctor Fabio Bermudez O, Luis Freddy Muñoz
Abstract 605 | PDF (Español) Downloads 378 | DOI

Page 149-168

Adaptive Control for Optimizing a Traffic Light Intersection Based on an Embedded System

Jose M Celis-Peñaranda, Christian D Escobar-Amado, Sergio B Sepulveda-Mora, Sergio A Castro-Casadiego, Byron Medina-Delgado, Jhon J Ramírez-Mateus
Abstract 1126 | PDF (Español) Downloads 684 | DOI

Page 169-193

Methodological Approach for the Study and Representation of Complex Behaviors on Electricity Markets

Johnny Valencia-Calvo, Carlos Jaime Franco-Cardona, Gerard Olivar-Tost, Isaac Dyner
Abstract 1065 | PDF (Español) Downloads 755 | DOI

Page 195-220

Analytical Optimization for the Warehouse Sizing Problem Under Class-Based Storage Policy

Luis F. Cardona, Leonardo Rivera, Héctor Jairo Martínez
Abstract 2006 | PDF Downloads 957 | DOI

Page 221-248