The transpacific and the risk: Fukushima disaster effects

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Samuel F. Velarde


Fukushima, Pacific Rim, risk, civil society, nuclear energy.


The article discusses the nuclear disaster in Fukushima - Daiichi in 2011 from the perspective of risk, and its impact both in the Japanese society and the Pacific Rim. It also indicates how this disaster had a muted reaction in the major institutions in the region. The Japanese government and other regional mechanisms toned down the events and interpreted them in a subtle and wrong way to minimize their media impact, despite the seriousness of the matter. After four years since the accident, there are still doubts about its consequences. On the other hand, is a reflection of how a disaster of this nature became a threat not only to Japan but equally to an important region that shares significant economic interest and which seems not to be ready to take such risks.


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