Cultural and socioeconomic implications of the woman as a part in the development and strengthening of economic sectors: a comparative analysis Mexico-China.

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Juan Carlos Tello Prior


China, Mexico, women, entrepreneurship, gender equality, empowerment


The entrepreneurship is presented as a current cutting edge in contemporary studies and analysis about the goals of innovation, economic growth and social development. The woman as a participant in the economy, has become a subject of research because of the implications that their active link with the formal economy sectors has within nations. Therefore, the study of empowerment of the female gender as part of trends in entrepreneurship has been the subject of worldwide reflection. In the present research the consequences, implications and indicators that this aspect has generated both in Mexico and in China, are analyzed. The objective is to compare these results according to the global entrepreneurship indicators seen from the perspective of the female gender, proposing that China brings significant progress in entrepreneurship vis-à-vis Mexico; however, the social and cultural pressure on this trend is less than that generated in the Chinese environment.

Determining that entrepreneurship results for women in China and Mexico share conjectural aspects in economic, political and social matters and are analyzed based on the general conditions of entrepreneurship in each country, to the particular analyzes of the role played by women in the productive and social fabric in both nations.


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