Knowledge-Based economy - Rising challenges of the global schoolhouse project in Singapore

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Roland Attila Csizmazia


Knowledge-based economy, Global Schoolhouse, xenophobia, education hub, international students, social integration program


This article analyses the development of the education hub in Singapore. The world-wide migration of professionals and talented students had started many centuries ago and was further bolstered by globalization. Singapore intends to take a leading role in creating a knowledge-based economy. Consequently, the government has great ambitions to build not only research centers but also a world-class university environment, an education hub. The first part of the article seeks to describe the factors that facilitated the establishment of the education hub and the Global Schoolhouse project in Singapore. The second part identifies the challenges and problems of this project, while the third part proposes solutions to these problems. Although some of the solutions may refer to policies implemented in other countries, the article maintains a focus on the unique problems of Singapore.


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