Gao Xingjian and his literary journey

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Juan Manuel Calle Saldarriaga
María Fernanda Gaitán Rojas


Gao Xingjian, Chinese literature, Theater, Short story


The article “Gao Xingjian and His Literary Journey” is composed of the academic and intellectual biography of the Chinese author, as well as a review of his literary work and his passage through the genres of novel, short story, and theater. It seeks to highlight those aspects of Gao Xingjian’s life that directly influenced his intimate and experimental written production. With this objective, the article deepens in his novel “The Mountain of the Soul”, the compilation of stories entitled “Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather”, the play “The Escape”, and finally his Nobel speech in 2000 when he received the award. Also, it delves into critical points in the author´s life such as his university education, Tiananmen, political reeducation, among others. Thus, achieving a global and correlated look of the writer, his life and his work.


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