Service chaining model between the Pacific Alliance and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

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Jaime Tijmes-Ihl


Pacific Alliance, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership (CPTPP, TPP-11, TPP11), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Asia Pacific, investment, service chaining


This article compares the chapter on investments in the Additional Protocol with the Pacific Alliance Framework Agreement (PA) and the chapter on investments in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). It also examines how both the chapters enable mode 3 of service trade (commercial presence) and service chaining to be used as an investment method in compliance with the chapters on cross-border service trade, which is included in both agreements to structure and design a Latin American service factory for the Asia-Pacific region. Owing to the coordination and level of agreement between both the regulatory systems, the purpose established in the Framework Agreement of the PA may be accomplished, the aim of this being to attract investments and promote service chaining (mode 3, commercial presence) with the AsiaPacific region.


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