Circular economy in China: support of the economic development model

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Juan González García
Oriana Zaret Gytán Gómez


Model, circular economy, natural resources, strategies, actions


Sustainable Economic Development (SED), in the last two centuries has become a perennial aspiration of nations. Today, development not only implies macroeconomic quantitative variables, but also the pursuit of a betterment in qualitative variables that not only enhance the economic stance of nations, but do so in an environmentally conscious way. Hence, concepts like Circular Economy (CE) stand out as viable alternative to achieve SED, notwithstanding that suitable institutional and political conditions must previously exist to the implementation of such CE model. In this article, the institutional framework of China is examined throughout an exploratory analysis that pinpoints the strategies and actions taken by China adopting a CE model as a complementary strategy in their long-run SED model. We conclude that China has achieved a leading position, becoming a referral of best practices in terms of its actions, strategies, and results in the implementation of a CE model.


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