Asia and Latin America, and the Caribbean: from dialog to multilateral cooperation

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Pío Quinto García Parra


Multilaterism, cooperation, regional integration, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean


This paper establishes a framework for regional cooperation between Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, from the perspective of mutual links with the  United Nations. To this end, actors, agendas and procedures are identified. The reflection integrates two components: an analytical-evaluative one that establishes the relationship of both regions with the multilateral order evaluating that relationship; the other is normative, assesing and identifying key elements of their future cooperation. It is argued that, in an international system affected by the hegemonic use of power, rescuing an improved version of multilateralism looks like the reasonable alternative. The nascent dialogue between Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean must lead to action plans inspired by the UN goals, keeping in mind the UN a multilateral body itself. Although multilateral political governance remains an unfulfilled promise, it is precisely in order to rebuild it that cooperation between Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean under multilateral parameters becomes imperative. 


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