About the Journal

Honorary director: Nódier Agudelo Betancur. Fernando Velásquez Velásquez.

Director: Juan Oberto Sotomayor Acosta, Ph.D. (ORCID, Web of Science ResearcherID: L-3913-2016)

Editor: Mariana Toro Taborda, Mg. Universidad EAFIT.(ORCID)

Frequency: Semestral.

ISSN: 0120-8179 / e-ISSN: 2539-4991 (E)

DOI: 10.17230/nfp


Nuevo Foro Penal, published by the School of Law of EAFIT University, aims semiannually disseminate texts from research papers, translations, and studies in general on criminal law in its broadest sense, including criminal proceedings, execution of penalties, punitive system, and mechanisms of social control in general, regardless of the knowledge areas from which it comes.

This journal is aimed at teachers, researchers, students, and scholars generally the various institutions of criminal law, both nationally and internationally. Intended as a forum for interdisciplinary and international discussion to address the conflicts in this area of law. 

Focus and Scope

Nuevo Foro Penal, published by the School of Law at the EAFIT University, aims semiannually disseminate texts from research papers, translations, and studies in general on criminal law in its broadest sense, including criminal proceedings, execution of penalties, punitive systems and mechanisms of social control in general, regardless of the knowledge areas from which it comes.

This journal is aimed at teachers, researchers, students, and scholars generally the various institutions of criminal law, both nationally and internationally. Intended as a forum for interdisciplinary and international discussion to address the conflicts in this area of law.

Peer Review Process

Nuevo Foro Penal, which currently publishes the Law School of the University EAFIT twice a year, is planning the evaluation of articles purporting to be published in it. The evaluation process of the items is as follows:

The items received for publication in our magazine go through a preliminary by the Editorial Board of the journal, to verify that the text to the subjects of the magazine fits, in addition to verifying that the item meets evaluating the rules of form.

Having completed the above, the article is submitted for evaluation by two evaluators.

Once the evaluators render their opinion, the article is returned to continue the editing process. If I can get to file a dispute between the two raters, the article will be submitted to a third examiner. In the latter case, the Editorial Board will ultimately decide the acceptance or rejection of the article.

Finally, acceptance of publishing the article will depend on the evaluation of peer reviewers and the final acceptance of the article make the Editorial Committee and Scientific.

If the text is not approved for publication, this determination will contact the authors, with a brief explanation to them of the reasons for this determination. All this, obviously, keeping due reserve and anonymity requires the evaluation process.

Each evaluator will be given, at the relevant time, the assessment model articles of our magazine.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its contents, on the principle that making research available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Nuevo Foro Penal authorizes sharing and adapting articles and comments according to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Nuevo Foro Penal does not have article processing charges (APCs). This journal is sponsored entirely by the Universidad EAFIT.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Code of Ethics

Nuevo Foro Penal aims to improve reception processes, revising, editing, and publishing of scientific papers every day. That is why adopting guidelines COPE and Elsevier Ethics publication to avoid misconduct in publishing, adopt streamlined procedures for correction and retraction and ensure readers that all the published articles have met the quality criteria defined in the Guide for authors. Nuevo Foro Penal journal published the guide for authors in all numbers in print and on its website to provide the authors with clear guidance on disclosure requirements. All editorial team ensure good treatment, there will be no rejection of a manuscript for reasons other than the quality of academic content reasons; confidentiality, information sent by authors and reviewers will be used only for publishing activities and files of rejected manuscripts will be deleted from our records; timely communication with the authors of editorial decisions; and compliance with the periodicity. 

Duties of authors 

The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that it has been duly cited or quoted. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Duties of editors

Decisions publication

 The editor of New Penal Forum is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The validation of the work in question and its importance for researchers and readers should always handle these decisions. The editor is based on the policies of the Editorial Board of the journal and is limited by legal requirements regarding defamation , violation of copyright, and plagiarism. The editor can give it to other editors or reviewers (or society actors ) making this decision

Author Guidelines

The documents proposed for publication in the Nuevo Foro Penal journal must comply with the following criteria:

  • They must be unpublished articles in Spanish, and the author commits not to simultaneously submit them for examination to other national or foreign journals.
  • Bold or underlined formatting should not be used. Instead, italics should be used for emphasis, as well as for foreign terms or expressions.
  • The length of the articles should not exceed 25,000 words.
  • The text should include a title, a summary in Spanish, and if possible, an abstract in English, with a maximum length of 150 words. Additionally, each article should contain keywords describing its content, as well as a summary of the article.
  • Author information, including institutional affiliation and email address, should be indicated in the footnotes.
  • The origin of the text should be indicated, whether it is the result of research or if it is part of a research group or project.

The footnotes should be presented according to the following system:

-For books: The author's first and last name should be indicated, followed by a period to denote the title of the book in italics. Then, in parentheses, the city of publication should be mentioned. After that, using a colon, include the publisher and the year of publication, and close the parentheses. Following that, use a comma to indicate the page number(s) being cited. If the work has already been cited, only the author's last name, the title of the work, and the page number should be included. If the cited work is the immediately preceding one, use "Ibid." Here are some examples:

Alfredo Molano. Penas y cadenas. (Bogotá: Planeta, 2004), 5.

Molano. Penas y cadenas, 5.

-For journal articles: The author's first and last name should be indicated, using a comma to separate it from the article title in quotation marks. Then, using a comma, include the journal name in italics, followed by the volume, issue number, and year in parentheses, and, followed by a colon, the page numbers. If the article has already been cited, only the author's last name, the title of the work, and the page number should be included. If the cited work is the immediately preceding one, use "Ibid." Here are some examples:

Joachim Vogel, “Legislación penal y ciencia del Derecho penal (reflexiones sobre una doctrina teórico-discursiva de la legislación penal)”, Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, 2ª época, nº 11 (2003): 249-251.

Vogel, “Legislación penal y ciencia del Derecho penal (reflexiones sobre una doctrina teórico-discursiva de la legislación penal)”, 250.

When referencing the cited works in the bibliography section at the end of the article, they should be listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name, following these rules:

-For books: The author's last name should be followed by a comma, and then the author's first name. Using a period, indicate the title of the book in italics. Then, using a period, including the city. After that, using a colon, include the publisher and the year of publication. Here's an example:

Molano, Alfredo. Penas y cadenas. Bogotá: Planeta, 2004.

-For journal articles: The author's last name should be followed by a comma, and then the author's first name. Using a period, indicate the title of the article in quotation marks. Then, using a period, include the journal name in italics, followed by the volume, issue number, and year in parentheses, and, followed by a colon, the page numbers. Here's an example:

Vogel, Joachim. “Legislación penal y ciencia del Derecho penal (reflexiones sobre una doctrina teórico-discursiva de la legislación penal)”. Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, 2ª época, n°11, Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, (2003): 249-250.

Once the text is received, it undergoes a preselection process by the Editorial Committee to determine its thematic relevance for the journal. Once the work is deemed relevant for publication, the academic evaluation process begins, maintaining the anonymity of reviewers and authors. This process determines the academic suitability of the text and the possibility of publication, or the need to request modifications from the authors to undergo a new evaluation.

The article should be submitted through the journal's platform (OJS).

The opinions expressed in the published articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, who, by accessing the publication, transfer the ownership rights of the author and reiterate that it is an unpublished text. Any contrary issue should be explicitly communicated to the Director or the Editor.

Plagiarism detection

Nuevo Foro Penal uses the Turnitin software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.