On the Tax Fraud as criminal activity precedent of the Money Laundering

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Eduardo Demetrio Crespo


Tax fraud. Money laundering. Non bis in idem. Crime or norms relations


Does the tax offense constitute prior criminal activity for the purposes of money laundering offense committed by the active same subject? From one side, both the current regulation of article 301 of the Spanish Criminal Code (which explicitly acknowledges the self-laundering), as trends of comparative law, the demands that come from the European Union and the GAFI recommendations leave no doubt, the answer "would" affirmative. Nevertheless, the issue has caused an enormous polemic due to the possible violation of the principle non bis in idem and the obvious disproportion of the penalty. In the article the basic doctrinal positions as well as the most important pronouncements of the Supreme Court are examined. This analysis maintained a restrictive thesis, according to which the question stated above is not properly formulated, it is not about whether tax offense (or any other) may constitute as such "criminal activity" antecedent for the purpose of money laundering without further clarifications, but of the relation (of crimes or of norms) that it is to establish between both norms in every case.


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