El derecho a la no autoincriminación en Colombia: ¿un derecho a faltar a la verdad?

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Yeiner Zapata Martínez
Juan José Múnera Jaramillo


Right to non-self-incrimination, right to remain silent, oath


In this article we analyze the scope and limits of the right to non-self-incrimination in relation to false statements in the Colombian legal system and in comparative law. Initially, we characterize the historical background, the nature, and the content of the right to non-self-incrimination and non-incrimination of relatives. Then, we analyze the doctrinal positions on the right of defendants to make false statements on matters entailing criminal responsibility. Finally, we analyze the ethical and legal foundations of the right to non-self-incrimination and argue that the rights to defense and personal integrity may be the foundation of the right of the defendant to make false statements.


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