About the Journal

Publicación institucional que data desde 1965. Su circulación es semestral y se define una nueva vocación de la revista: constituirse en un espacio que comunique la capacidad investigativa de la Universidad EAFIT.

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Current Issue

Vol. 57 No. 178 (2023): Energetica 2030

In this number of Universidad EAFIT Magazine 'Descubre y Crea', we show developments and perspectives in each of the activities of our CTeI system: Research, Technological Development and Innovation, Social Appropriation of Knowledge and Training in CTeI. In addition to this, we include perspectives at a transversal and systemic level, such as related to the development of the Energetica 2030 project and the District of Science, Technology and Innovation of Medellín, a project in which EAFIT seeks to have a leadership role, in line with our commitment to the development of the sector in the city, the region and the country.


Science at the heart of everyone

Antonio Copete
Abstract 11 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Industria 4.0 y Tecnologías convergentes – nano, bio, info y cogno

Three promises fulfilled with local biotechnology

Pablo Correa
Abstract 13 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Research projects

Agrotech: transformación, mercado y producción

The sweet taste of cultivating peace

Juan Carlos Luján Sáenz
Abstract 13 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Estudios económicos y empresariales

The social value of organizations, under Bien Plus' analysis

Juan Diego Restrepo E.
Abstract 16 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12

Research projects

Energetica 2030, in search of the future

Juan Diego Restrepo E.
Abstract 8 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4


For a responsible energy transition

Camilo Younes
Abstract 12 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Awards and honours

EAFIT highlights the work of its scientists

Felipe Sossa
Abstract 12 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6

Ciencias del aprendizaje

Educational innovation at the core of Imaginar Futuros

Pompilio Peña
Abstract 11 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

University of children

Discover your environment with this guide to observing flowers and pollinators

Daniela Cepeda Zúñiga, Susana Galvis Bravo, Agustín Patiño Orozco, Carolina Arango Hurtado
Abstract 15 | PDF (Español) Downloads 10


Saber para Sanar, betting on a better country

Vanessa Reyes Restrepo
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Estado, construcción pacífica, convivencia y posacuerdos

Private investment in access to justice

Pompilio Peña
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6

Creación, cultura y arte

Behold the Museum of Useless Efforts!

Juan Carlos Luján Sáenz
Abstract 14 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6
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