About the Journal

Publicación institucional que data desde 1965. Su circulación es semestral y se define una nueva vocación de la revista: constituirse en un espacio que comunique la capacidad investigativa de la Universidad EAFIT.

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Current Issue

Vol. 58 No. 179 (2024): Incomprendidos

In this edition of the Universidad EAFIT 'Descubre y Crea' Magazine, we delve into the concept of the 'Misunderstood' to explore new and persistent misunderstandings in the world of science, technology and innovation. We present a transmedia publication that seeks to promote curiosity and entertainment, without losing sight of the scientific and academic rigor that characterizes us, ratifying our purpose of cultivating science in the hearts of everyone.


Research projects

Misunderstood weeds - Frontpage of Universidad EAFIT Descubre y Crea Magazine Vol. 58 No. 179

Juan Camilo Solís Marin, Maria Luisa Eslava
Abstract 69 | PDF (Español) Downloads 25

Tourists who work and don't park

Laura Lopera Zapata, Santiago Palomino Ochoa, Natalia Penagos Mesa, Ximena Vargas Rusce, Christian Alexander Martinez Guerrero
Abstract 68 | PDF (Español) Downloads 33

Science in hands

María Antonia Soto Sánchez
Abstract 63 | PDF (Español) Downloads 30

Words that cross the pond: Versions on literary swimming

Sara Zuluaga Correa, Maria José Galeano Agudelo, Jorge Uribe Lozada
Abstract 109 | PDF (Español) Downloads 18

Pretexts, a 'pedagogical acupuncture'

Doris Sommer​, Victoria Eugenia Mena-Rodríguez
Abstract 83 | PDF (Español) Downloads 52

Research projects

The alchemy of time and rock

Ángela Posada-Swafford
Abstract 43 | PDF (Español) Downloads 24

To the rescue of ancestral knowledge in a jungle paradise

Juan Diego Restrepo E.
Abstract 44 | PDF (Español) Downloads 30

Agrotech: transformación, mercado y producción

Ciencias del comportamiento y cambio social

Why do men cry at football?

Valentina Sanclemente Pérez, Mariam Abisaad Janna, Ricardo Macía
Abstract 59 | PDF (Español) Downloads 17

Industria 4.0 y Tecnologías convergentes – nano, bio, info y cogno

Technologies to understand what leaks into the nose

Jonathan Montoya Corre​a​, Carolina Arango Hurtado
Abstract 50 | PDF (Español) Downloads 23

Unartificial thoughts

Valeria Querubín
Abstract 49 | PDF (Español) Downloads 21

Ciudades inteligentes

Daily guide for the urban dweller to reduce the impacts of climate change

Juliana Gómez Aristizábal, Luis Miguel Ocampo Marín
Abstract 47 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12

Ambiente, biodiversidad y recursos naturales

Of impermanent bodies and reflections of water

Irene Agudelo Saldarriaga, Nataly Montoya Restrepo, Luis Miguel Ocampo Marin
Abstract 36 | PDF (Español) Downloads 18

Recently discovered species

Raeioul, Juan Fernando Díaz Nieto, Mariana Echeverri Diez, Sebastián Gómez Torres, Nicolás Pinel Peláez, Esteban Garzón Franco, Juan Camilo Arredondo, Esteban Vargas Domínguez, Camilo Flórez Valencia, Agustín Patiño Orozco
Abstract 59 | PDF (Español) Downloads 17

Estudios económicos y empresariales

Why haven't I been able to buy a house?

Miguel Orlando Alguero Montaño
Abstract 79 | PDF (Español) Downloads 22

Entrepreneurial initiatives

To invent is to blindly believe in the future of the world

Stiver Peña Guzman
Abstract 55 | PDF (Español) Downloads 11

University of children

Tutorial to be the coolest in school

Laura Rojas de Francisco, Jim Pluk, Agustín Patiño Orozco
Abstract 45 | PDF (Español) Downloads 20

Why are there waves in the sea?

Universidad de los niños EAFIT
Abstract 36 | PDF (Español) Downloads 11
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