Hydrodynamic Analysis of Rectangular Channels Network Using Twodimensional Numerical Simulations

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Emmanuel Munguía-Balvanera
Alberto Blanco-Piñón
Justino Alavez-Ramírez


rectangular channels network, meanders, depth, energy dissipation, water volumes retention


In the biological context water is known to be favorable in wetlands, whether these are natural or artificial. The problem being addressed is the lack of hydrodynamic studies on the know-how of water behavior in artificial wetlands. This work was analyzed in three localities, and was complemented with a comparison of the shape of artificial wetlands at different ages and parts of the world; and it was concluded that its geometry is in a grid-shaped canals. For the artificial wetland grid a free two-dimensional software was used to make numerical simulations and deduce the hydrodynamic behavior. It was shown that the grid accomplishes the behavior of the natural wetlands; dissipating the energy of the water flow by draining and holding it down. The grid canal does it better than an equivalent meandering canal; the results were not found in other sources. The advantage of using a free 2D software to make artificial wetland simulations is its convenient representation of water flows and low cost. More research remains to be done on the field of wetland hydrodynamics, such as: different geometric shapes, the inclusion of sediment drag, rain simulation, among other aspects.


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