Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Along Linear Projects Study Case in the Water Supply Pipeline of Fredonia, Antioquia

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Juliana Mendoza Ramirez
Edier Vicente Aristizábal Giraldo


Linear projects, SHALSTAB, conditional analysis, heuristic, TOBIA index, susceptibility, hazard


Landslides are characterized by their capacity to generate losses. In Colombia, a considerable percentage of those are associated with linear projects; between 2010-2011, 575 municipalities were affected by damage to the infrastructure of water supply network and sanitation. Considering this serious problem related to linear projects, the present work proposes the combination of heuristic, statistical and physical based methods to evaluate the susceptibility and hazard of landslides, under different scales of analysis. In addition to the construction of a critical unit map, using as the unit of analysis the Independent Morphodynamic Unit. The obtained model is validated using the success curves and the Area Under the Curve (AUC). The proposed methodology was implemented in the pipeline of the municipal aqueduct of the municipality of Fredonia in the Antioquia region. It was identified 6% of areas, both unstable and very high and high susceptibility; and 13% of areas corresponding to both cataclinal over dip and pure dip slope, as well as areas of very high and high susceptibility. The AUC for the conditional analysis and the criticality map showed a value of 0.81 and 0.73 indicating a very good fit and performance of the models.


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