Japanese environmental policy and mobilization for environmental protection of industries

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Sara Catalina Mesa Rivera
María Alejandra Villa Tamayo


Japan, environment, Japanese industries, environmental policies, sustainable development.


In this article, the environmental issue is approached from the Japanese
perspective; a country that has faced difficult environmental situations, but is currently known as a country able to set up sustainable strategies for the present and future of the world population. This article aims to present an analysis of Japan’s policies promoted by the national government that have generated a high impact to the citizens and national industries. In the same way, two Japanese multinationals that have used multiple campaigns and tactics to promote the environment protection and preservation are exposed. On the other hand, the article is a reflection on how Japan, a country with a high technological, economic and social development, has moved forward with an environmental project of such magnitude that it has established itself as the least contaminated country in the world, aspect that should be used as an example for the international community.


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