Natural Law: Source of Legitimacy of State Power in the Hobbesian Conception

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Alejandra Ríos Ramírez


Hobbes, political philosophy, theory of knowledge, state of nature,anthropology, natural law, pact, sovereign State, individualism, Hobbes, political philosophy, theory of knowledge, state of nature, anthropology, natural law, pact, sovereign State, individualism


The Hobbesian theory of knowledge, apart from being an interpretation of nature and its phenomena, is a theory on the legitimacy of state power. The hypothesis on the state of nature and on anthropology, originated there from, are categories allowing the establishment of pacts among individuals all of whom partially give up their natural right to personal convenience. The State, a device of private wills, legitimates itself as sovereign, representative of the collective power, and basically, as the protector of the original individual decision to preserve life and welfare.


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