Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of Apis mellifera sp. honey from Southwest of Antioquia in Colombia

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A V Velásquez Giraldo
Lina M. Vélez Acosta
Robin Zuluaga Gallego


honey, characterization, physicochemical parameters, microbiology analysis, quality standards


Characterizations of Apis mellifera honey produced in Southwest of Antioquia, an important coffee region of Colombia, have not been published in recent years. In the present work, seven samples of honey collected in the mentioned region, were physically (refractive index, specific rotation, density), chemically (moisture content, water activity, pH, free acidity, carbohydrates) and microbiologically (Clostridium, fungi and yeast) analyzed. The results show that the analyzed honeys meet both national (Resolución 1057 of 2010) and International (Codex-Stan 12 of 1981) standards for moisture content, free acidity, sucrose content and microbiological parameters, indicating their good quality. Fructose/glucose ratio, pH and specific rotation values indicate that the samples are blossom honeys.


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