Optimal Relocation of Distribution Transformers using the Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm NSGA II

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Rubén Iván Bolaños
Ricardo Alberto Hincapié Isaza https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8282-7826
Ramón Alfonso Gallego Rendón https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0160-8929


NSGA II algorithm, multiobjective optimization, relocation of distribution transformers, distribution systems.


This paper presents a methodology for optimal relocation of transformers in distribution systems. The problem is formulated as an optimization model of multiobjective linear integer type, which considers investment and operating costs, and the benet of the concept of assets to be recognized by usage charges as stipulated in Resolution CREG 097 of 2008. The model is solved using the multiobjective optimization algorithm NSGA II. To check the validity of the methodology, a real distribution system belonging to an electric utility in Colombia is used, which takes into account both single and three phase distribution transformers. The results compared with respect to the case without considering the relocation of distribution transformers, re ect the importance of this methodology and its benets to the distribution companies, and serves as a support tool for compliance with the standards set by regulatory bodies that dene the appropriate chargeability of distribution transformers.

MSC: 90Cxx, 90C29


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