Computational Study of Allotropic Structures of Carbon by Density Functional Theory (DTF)

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Juan Manuel Gonzalez Carmona
Carolina Ortega Portilla
Christian Barbosa
Alexander Ruden Muñoz
Federico Sequeda Osorio


DFT, Computational Simulation, allotropic structures, Molecular Orbital, Electrostatic Potential.


In this paper using Density Functional Theory (DFT), the principal carbon allotropic crystalline structures (Diamond, graphite, nanotube y fullerene - C60) were simulated. The results shows diamond sp3 bonds formation between carbon atoms and low reactivity, indicating low probability of lateral compound formation and high mechanical properties. Interplanar weakness was evidentin graphite structure, which is related to solid lubrication process. Carbon-Carbon metallic bonds and polarizations at the edges of  the structure were observed in Armchair Carbon Nanotube, stabilizing the system which allows the nanotube continuous growth. In fullerene C60 structurea Faraday nano-gauge behavior was confirmed, together withlow probability of interatomic polarization, indicating high structural stability. Besides Total Energy (TE) and Nuclear Repulsion Energy (NRE) values were used to perform energetic comparisons between different structures, allowing the study of electronic stability and their relationship to mechanical properties. 

PACS: 31.15.E-


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