Influence of Si Atoms Insertion on the Formation of the Ti-Si-N Composite by DFT Simulation

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Juan Manuel Gonzalez
Johans Steeven Restrepo
Carolina Ortega Portilla
Alexander Ruden Muñoz
Federico Sequeda Osorio


density functional theory, crystalline structure, nano-composite, silicon, thin films, coatings


Using Density Functional Theory (DFT) SiN and TiN structures were simulated, in order to study the influence of the silicon atoms insertion in the TiN lattice placed on interstitial and substitutional positions in a face centered cubic (FCC) crystalline lattice. Results showed that the SiN - FCC structure is pseudo-stable; meanwhile the tetragonal structure is stable with ceramic behavior. The TiN - FCC structure is stable with ceramic behavior similar to SiN - Tetragonal. 21% silicon atoms insertion in interstitial positions showed high induced deformation, high polarization and Si - N bond formation, indication an amorphous transition that could lead to the production of a material composed from TiN grains or nano-grains embedded in a Si - N amorphous matrix. When  including 21% of silicon atoms, substituting titanium atoms, the distribution showed higher stability that could lead to the formation of different phases of the stoichiometric Ti1 -x SixNy compound.


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