Rapid prototyping of craniofacial structures

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Juan Felipe Isaza
Mauricio Naranjo


rapid prototyping, craniofacial structures, biomedical images, cloud points, 3D reconstruction, fixed prosthesis, implant supported


This article presents a description of Rapid Prototipyng (RP) technology applied to medicine, especially to craniofacial problems, which can produce solid 3D models by adding material. At the same time, describes a specific application from the simulation surgery to insert four screws, which are the basis of a fixed prosthesis supported by implants. The surgical procedure simulation, started with obtaining the mandibular geometry from biomedical image processing of computerized axial tomography (TAC) of an adult woman, totally edentulous. This process was carried out using GIB Points 3D software, developed in this work, with which A 3D cloud point of jaw was obtained, and subsequently exported to ProEngineer Wildfire 3.0. From here, a STL file compatible with most RP machines was created. The technology used for 3D printing, was Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). A 3D plastic model of jaw, with anatomical and dimensional high quality, using technology available in Colombia was obtained. In addition, it successfully simulated surgical procedure for the installation of four implants using the tools to be used in real surgery. In general, the implemented methodology can be used for surgical planning procedures and thus avoid trial and error test, that might put the patient’s health at risk. Also as a communication tool to explain to the patient surgical procedures to be submitted. In addition, it can be used for educational purposes, for training students, making more effective learning processes in the clinical field, which in turn would result in better outcomes for patients

PACS: 87.57.C-, 87.57.N-, 87.85.Pq, 87.85.Ox

MSC: 92C55, 68Nxx, 68U07


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