
Some Integrals involving generalized hypergeometric function

Jaime Castillo Pérez
Abstract 1475 | PDF (Español) Downloads 522

Page 7-22

Some modal logics associated to the reasoning of intelligent agents

Gloria Rúa M., Manuel Sierra A.
Abstract 596 | PDF (Español) Downloads 711

Page 23-45

Optimal power flow using the gradient method to reduce electrical losses in power systems

Jesús María López Lezama, Luis Alfonso Gallego Pareja
Abstract 2025 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1078

Page 71-85

Multiobjective Optimization for Multicast Routing in Overlay Networks using Evolutionary Algorithms

Juan Carlos Montoya M., Yezid Enrique Donoso M., Ramón Fabregat G., Edwin Montoya M., Diego Echeverri S.
Abstract 897 | PDF (Español) Downloads 323

Page 87-111

Methodology for 3D reconstruction of craniofacial structures and their use in the finite element method

Juan Felipe Isaza, Santiago Correa
Abstract 1155 | PDF (Español) Downloads 589

Page 129-149