Methodology for 3D reconstruction of craniofacial structures and their use in the finite element method

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Juan Felipe Isaza
Santiago Correa


finite element analysis, bioengineering, Craniofacial, biomedical images, geometric modeling, cloud points, 3D reconstruction.


This paper describes a 3D reconstruction methodology used for anatomical structures conformed by soft and hard tissues. This technique uses biomed-
ical images as input in applications where a further Finite Element Method (FEM) bioengineering modeling is required. A biomedical image processing software in DICOM (Digital Imaging Standard for Medical Images) was developed using C language. This software provides the cloud of points of the anatomic structure in order to reconstruct and optimize the surfaces which
finally form a solid which can be exported to the software ANSYS 10.0r. Geometric modeling software as ProENGINEER WILDFIRE 3.0r and GID 8.0r were also used in the modeling process. Anatomical structures like jaw, temporal bone and some dental pieces were successfully reconstructed maintaining their anatomical characteristics and obtaining geometric models that
allowed biomechanical simulations by FEM. The method proposed improved the ability to geometrically model in an accurate way the structures studied.
Furthermore, this application enabled to perform a biomedical application without simplifications as ambition of cancellous bone and inadequate alloca-
tion of mandibular properties which could affect the final results of the FEM predictions. Although the validation of the results was conducted on ortho-
dontic device, the developed methodology could be applied to the evaluation of other problems involving different anatomical structures. 


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