Optical Properties of Ldpe Films with different Additives Mixtures

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W Aperador Chaparro
A E Delgado
J H Bautista Ruiz


linear low density polyethylene (LDPE), additives, optical properties, plasticulture


In this paper were processed dierent linear low density polyethylene (LDPE)formulations, mixed it with ve kind of dierent additives whose objectivewas analyzing the additives eects in the optical properties of LDPE lms ongreenhouse cover structure in protected cultivation for tropical environments.The results of ultra violet and visible region showed that the light transmissionfrom the reference lm was higher than additives lms mixtures in thevisible region, eect of some elements and synergistic action from additivescontributing to decrease the light transmission in the ultra violet and visibleregion.

PACS: 78.66.Bz


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