Método de medicíon de combustible en una embarcacíon fluvial

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Mauricio Pardo González
Vïctor Manotas Angulo
Humberto Campanella Pineda
Javier Páez Saavedra


level measurement, centroid, test point, pressure sensors.


This paper exposes a way to improve the method of fuel measurement in a river vessel, specifically a tugboat. The framework of this article is the need of a strategy to establish the amount of fuel volume that is contained in the tanks of the tugboat. The method, that have been used so far, produces errors influenced by disturbance factors such as the inclination and the shape of the tanks of the tugboat. It is needed to develop an alternative method that reduces the error between the fuel which is provided by the suppliers and the measured one in the tugboat. This new method tries to be independent of the inclination of the boat with no need of using a clinometer or instrument of angle measurement.

PACS: 47.10.-g,  46.05.+b

MSC: 28Bxx, 44-02, 44A30


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