Entendiendo al consumidor japonés y coreano. Tendencias de exigentes mercados en Asia

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David Puerta Hernández
Natalia Serna Montoya


Japan, Republic of Korea, East Asia, economic development, consumption trends, marketing


With economies that have grown and developed rapidly, East Asia has called the attention of other industrialize and developing countries, large conglomerates and ambitious entrepreneurs willing to venture into their markets with the desire to find opportunities and big profits for their companies. The region has become very attractive; economies with highly purchasing power -especially South Korea and Japan-, the concentration of a large percentage of the world population, stable growth rates and an increasingly specialized and westernized consumer. Regardless of the level of development they have reached, it cannot be left aside the countless mistakes companies have made to reach the region. That is why understanding the economy, the politics, the dynamics and the way their consumers behave is mandatory if you want to succeed in these demanding, changing and globalized markets. In this paper a recent economic analysis of South Korea and Japan it’s presented, followed by a contextualization of consumption trends and consumer behavior of its inhabitants.


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