Colombian coffee in China: Challenges and opportunities

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Mateo Jiménez Posada
Laura Gómez Gómez
María Arango Roldán
Lorena Gómez Castaño
Gabriela Palacios Ramírez
Andrés Restrepo Campuzano
Sebastián Toro Restrepo
Manuela Vasquez Ochoa


Coffee, Colombia, China, international business, market strategy, consumer trends.


This article aims to explore business opportunities and to broaden the vision of China as a potential market for Colombian coffee. This article is the product of the Asia Pacific Research group’s work during 2014 and will be divided in two parts. The article in this edition includes a comprehensive assessment of the importance of the Chinese economy, its hot drinks market, and its coffee production and imports. The follow-up article will be included in the seventh edition of this magazine and will discuss coffee consumption trends among Chinese consumers; as well as two models (e-commerce and manufacturing) for the successful insertion of the Colombian coffee in the Chinese market. The follow-up article will also include an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to evaluate the possibilities to strengthen Colombian coffee’s position in the Chinese market.


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