The Impact of Gender Equiality and the Women's Empowerment in the Saero-Maji Plan in South Korea

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Lilian Alvarez Torres


Birth rate, South Korea, gender equality, saero-maji, Women empowerment, Public policies


The objective of this research is to study the public policies aligned with the Saero-Maji Plan by analyzing it from a gender equality and female empowerment perspective, in order to show that the progress of these variables has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the Saero-Maji Plan and its strategies to increase the birth rate in South Korea.

The research will be divided into three stages, beginning with a historical analysis of the causes of the Saero-Maji Plan in Korea. The second phase of the research focuses on the stages of the plan and how it has evolved according to the social changes faced by the country. Finally, the context of the development of gender equality policies and society's perception of women's empowerment will be investigated, and finally an analysis of the effectiveness of the Korean government's pro-natalist policies and programs with respect to the variables studied will be addressed.


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