
Abstract 6 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 2-4


One of the faces of labor precariousness in South Korea:

Álvaro Galliorio Jorquera
Abstract 48 | PDF (Español) Downloads 17 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.01

Page 23-39

Anlysis fo the democratic principles on the rulings fo the Constitutional Court of Korea

Bernardita González Lustig, Fernanda Tapia Trujillo
Abstract 13 | PDF (Español) Downloads 14 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.03

Page 58-72

Women migration from South Korea to Mexico:

Diana Gabriela Poox Martínez
Abstract 7 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.04

Page 73-88

Narratives of the south Korean city:

Diego Conejeros Arias
Abstract 40 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.05

Page 89-97

South Korean plastic surgery show "Let me in" as a rtualized event

Judith Eunice Silva Gonzalez
Abstract 11 | PDF (Español) Downloads 10 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.06

Page 89-97

Modification of architectural spaces for musical performances.

Mónica Estrada Gonzalez
Abstract 6 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.09

Page 135-154

The new Korean dream? Mexican women in South Korea

Nayelly López Rocha
Abstract 22 | PDF (Español) Downloads 144 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.10

Page 155-172

The Scientific diplomacy of the Republic of South Korea:

Armando Renato Balderrama Santander , Ana Laura Vargas Servin , Marco Antonio Beltrán Navarro
Abstract 4 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/map.v13.i23.11

Page 173-193