Anlysis fo the democratic principles on the rulings fo the Constitutional Court of Korea
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Principles, democracy, democratic values, Constitutional Court , Korea
This research aims to determine whether the values promoted as a democratic society in South Korea are reflected in the rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea. We analyze two rulings, selected because they are emblematic political cases. We employ a qualitative methodology following the exegetical-dogmatic method, and review the legal interpretation made by the judges with respect to the democratic principles declared in the selected judgments: freedom of association, transparency and democratic order. We argue that the rulings of the Constitutional Court promote democratic values that are manifested in the principles contained in them, thus contributing to the consolidation of democracy. We conclude that the role of the Constitutional Court in South Korea is to act as an institution created to strengthen the rule of law, which fulfills the task of promoting universal democratic values through its rulings.
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