Artificial Itelligence in the digital ecosystem of South Korea. Strategies, trends and challenges in the global competition.

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Bárbara Bavoleo


South Korea, Artificial Intelligence , Digital ecosystem , technology


This paper provides an overview of digital transformation policies and the implementation of emerging technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence, and their impact on the political and social aspects of South Korea. The main objective is to examine how these initiatives have contributed to the development of a robust digital ecosystem and South Korea's position as a global leader in emerging technologies. It examines how these technologies have influenced the management of public services, citizen safety, and the quality of life, as well as how the country has positioned itself on this topic in the global environment. This is done through an analysis of secondary data, literature reviews, regulations, statistics, and reports from international organizations to gain a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related to digital transformation and the implementation of data sets, networks, and Artificial Intelligence technologies in South Korea. It is expected to contribute to understanding the key factors for the success of digital transformation policies and to identify lessons learned and best practices that can be applied in other contexts.


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