Translating Jang Jin-seong: The country immage of North Korea reflected in the verse of a refugee poet

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Andrii Ryzhkov


Jang Jin-seong (Jang Jin-sung), North Korean refugee poetry, DPRK image, translation, Korean literature, image shaping, literary image, North Korean refugee poet


Like many other refugees, North Korean (NK) intellectuals, i.e., poets and writers did witness the NK reality. After having left their home country, they quite conceivably turn to their homeland in their works. Literary image shaping studies have discovered a notably varied significance in presenting the images of native countries. In this regard, the North Korean writers living outside DPRK have an extraordinary role in addressing the universe of North Korea. Their literary works convey complex inner issues to the wider world outside, introducing them in a more forceful and apparent for reader way. In this light, this here paper is an endeavor to analyze how and by what means North Korean refugee poet Jang Jin-seong refers to DPRK in his verses. Thus, on the way to the stated goal the paper aims at examining of the images of NK met in literary discourses of a famous author. His verses published in South Korea served as material to achieve the purpose of the study, meanwhile corresponding examples were translated from Korean into Spanish.


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