Public policy for the digital finances in South Korea, and its transfer to southeast Asia

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Sadcidi Zerpa de Hurtado


Innovation, digital finance, digital cooperation programs, digital infrastructure, public policy, South Korea


The development of public policies for Fintech Startups in South Korea regulated and mandated public access and permission for full operation. Partnerships in the domestic market of different and varied users of digital finance in 2023 responded to the reality of the digital economy. Increased demands for incubation, acceleration and enhancement of financial inclusion induced towards digital infrastructure transfer and positive support for digital financial market shaping in the Southeast Asia region. National policies were expanded to the region through the Shinhan Future's Lab model of support and cooperation. Its contribution was to secure opportunities to sign agreements for the benefit of young entrepreneurs and to solve collateral problems in the region. Using sequential argumentative methodology, the hypothesis of the paper is tested which states: the government policy for innovation and installation of Fintech Startups in South Korea developed South Korean digital finance and supported the transfer of national digital infrastructure to Southeast Asia during 2019- 2022.


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