Policies for innovation in Korea, and their influence in Latin America: The case of KAIST and Yachay Tech

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Richard Salazar Medina


Technological Innovation, Scientific Development, KAIST, Yachay Tech, South Korea, Ecuador


South Korea is a benchmark in innovation. Its transformation of the productive matrix through the establishment of technological research institutes to develop export products achieved undeniable economic success. Therefore, it is frequently cited as a model to follow in Latin America. And, in an effort to emulate the Korean model, various projects have been initiated, such as technology parks and research institutions in Latin America. This was the case in Ecuador with the creation of the Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Yachay (known as Yachay Tech), which was theoretically inspired by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

This article analyzes the gestation and development processes of KAIST and Yachay Tech from a comparative perspective. Significant differences are evident in the academic and management models implemented in both institutions. In the final analysis, to date Yachay Tech has not succeeded in replicating the KAIST model due to several factors examined in this article.


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