Vertices and discourse unfinished analysis

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Jeannette Lerner Matíz


Teaching – learning process, Academia difficulties, Higher education, Mathematics teaching, Educational method


This text is the result of the thoughts built by the author1, based on the experience acquired, for more than a decade, in work done with students with conditional registration due to their low academic performance. The causes inferred to explain the problem are various and related among themselves, in many cases, with the age in which the students enter the university, the lack of clarity about their professional identity, their skills and interests. Nevertheless, youngsters have low conscience about the responsibility they have on their “academic failure” and generally, they project their difficulties in the education system and their professors, most of all in the mathematic courses, fields that in order to be understood imply: discipline, study, order, commitment, and dedicated and continuous work. If the student does not assume a critical attitude towards his study methodology and his academic commitment, the classroom relationships are affected and the repeated failure becomes apathy, fear, and rejection against the object of knowledge and its professor. Also, the problem reaches the environment – family, society – in a vicious circle that demands the institutions to question themselves about the defaults in the teaching processes and to invest large efforts in the search for solutions, according to the quality of the education to be given.


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