Pedagogical processes and their related cases: Comments and approximations

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Jeannette Lerner Matiz


Aletheia – Discovering, Appearance of the subject in the Word, Education - teaching and learning processes, Autopoietical systems - changing, Transference phenomenon - relations, Language - Communication - Interlocution


In this article, the author shows some ideas about the importance of establishing interdisciplinary dialogues to discuss about an object of knowledge, and the way in which the different points of view are enriched when it is possible to create vertices of common interest among dissimilar paradigms or in appearance opposite, in this case: exact sciences and social sciences. This reflection is tied to the preoccupation for the teaching labor when trying to communicate a certain knowledge that does not have acceptance in a group of students, because their cognitive domains do not enable communication and even less, comprehension. The article also highlights the value of the affections at the time of learning and teaching, as well as the environments for perception, intuition, and the senses, all as knowledge that borders and delimits the attempts of the human being to understand the nature that surrounds and transcends him.


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