Una perspectiva y ocho invitaciones al diálogo

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Eliécer Arenas Monsalve https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2188-0487


Music education, Pedagogy, Human development


The author begins by recognizing significant progress in the achievement of technical developments and the motor and mental skills required in music. He approaches these issues from a humanistic and critical perspective, and warns about the difficulties of the actual training model to provide acomplete and proper culture. In other words, he tends towards an education that not only trains students to deploy and exhibit certain skills, such as playing/singing in tune, reading music, having a fluent rhythm, performing repertoires, etc; but which also helps students to recognize their individuality. Such education will lead to the development of critical views, allowing students to experience their collective nature, and preparing them to act comfortably in the world of language, reason and emotion. By gathering ideas from authors such as Michel Serres, Boaventura de Souza Santos, and philosopher Martha Nussbaum, the author points at possible paths towards a type of music education, which will enhances the flourishing of human beings, as it aims for a fulfilling and happy life.


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