Keyboard harmony or partimento as a methodological strategy for teaching improvisation and learning musical language

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Andrés Benavides Isaza


partimento, improvisation, keyboard harmony, thorough bass


The intention behind this article is to present and provide a methodological alternative for teaching musical improvisation within an academic context in which Art Music is transmitted. This pedagogical approach covers the basics of partimento and thorough bass realization, passing through Romanticism until getting to the rudiments and fundamentals of jazz language, these latest serving as an effective tool for building a connecting bridge between musical traditions (european Art Music and Jazz) for the comprehension of French Impressionism of the late 19th century. Behind all this pedagogical approach to keyboard-harmony teaching is the interest in installing the practice of improvisation as an essential element for the classical musician’s formation and, should it be not an achievable goal in the short term, stating the benefits which imply an accelerated appropriation of musical language.


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Imágenes referenciadasChappuis, D. (2014-2015). Clase de Armonía Práctica de Tercer Año. Maestría de Teoría Musical. Ginebra, Suiza.

Montagnier, J.-P. C. (2009). Principes de Composition de Nicolas Bernier. Langres: Éditions Dominique Guéniot.Paisiello, G. (s.f.). Recuperado el 19 de Septiembre de 2016, de,_Fedele)