Musical interpretation as a habit: diversity in the music department of EAFIT University from a semiotic perspective

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Javier Asdrúbal Vinasco Guzmán



In the present article, the author reflects, based on Peircean semiotics, on the diversity that exists in the musical interpretation from the score, in the different majors at the Music Department of EAFIT University. Likewise, the author critically reviews some of the foundational paradigms common to almost all the schools of the so — called Western Art Music, such as its historical antilogocentric approach, the preeminence of the intentio auctoris over other intentions in interpretation, the canon of classical music, the plurivocity of the written text and the final interpretant as a habit of behavior, among others; with some digressions to the concepts of the Derridan différance and the Aristotelian distinction between poiesis and praxis.


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