Impact of co-creation on innovation capability and firm performance: a structural equation modeling

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Fatemeh Hamidi
Naser Shams Gharneh


Co-creation, Innovation Capability, Firm Performance, SEM.


Traditional firms used  to design products, evaluate marketing messages  and control product distribution channels with no costumer  interface. With the advancements  in interaction technologies,  however, users can easily make impacts on firms; the interaction between  costumers and firms is now in peak condition in comparison  to the past and is no longer controlled by firms. Customers  are playing two roles of value creators and consumers simultaneously. We examine the role of co-creation  on the influences of innovation capability and firm performance. We develop hypotheses  and test them using researcher survey data. The results suggest that implement of co-creation  partially mediate  the effect of process innovation capability. We discuss the implications  of these findings for research  and practice on the depict and implement of unique value co-creation model.


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