Sustainable and flexible human resource management for innovative organizations

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Saeed Aibaghi Esfahani
Hamid Rezaii
Niloofar Koochmeshki
Saeed Sharifi Parsa


Innovative Organization, Sustainability, Psychological Capital, Flexibility, Human resource management.


In response  to the changes  in economies  and technology in recent decades,  research  in organizational theories have been focused  toward  innovative and entrepreneurial  organizations.  A research  issue in this evolving research  endeavor is adaptation  of human resource  management  and the establishment of a sustainable  human resource  management.  This paper investigates the main characteristics  of a sustainable  HRM in innovative organizations.  The aim is to identify sustainable  HRM as a key toward competing  in turbulent markets. The problem statement is to find the relationship between  psychological capital, HR flexibility and sustainable HRM in innovative organizations. Three main variables of HR flexibility, HR sustainability and psychological capital form the theoretical model of this study; and four hypotheses are developed based  on this model. Findings do not reject any of four hypotheses, so it is concluded that psychological capital and HR flexibility  has positive and meaningful effect on sustainable  HRM; and in addition, psychological capital has positive and meaningful effect on sustainable HRM. Moreover,  flexibility has moderate role in relationship between  psychological capital and sustainable HRM.


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