The employee’s perspective on post-pandemic hybrid work in an emerging market
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Hybrid work, Remote work, Virtual work, Work-life balance
The objective of this research was to know the opinion of employees about their current work modality, the opportunities for improvement perceived in this modality and the preferences regarding the desired work modality. To meet the objective, a quantitative approach was implemented by conducting 268 surveys of employees of private companies in the AMBA region of Argentina. The results show that, although the prevailing current modality is the hybrid one with a scheme established by the company, the modality chosen with preference is the free type without a guideline established by the organization. This points out the importance that flexibility today has in the work modality of organizations in emerging markets to attract and retain talent. Finally, areas of opportunity for improvement appear regarding the new hybrid work modalities in these types of markets, related mainly to the need to promote employees' wellness in the search for a better balance between work and personal life.
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