A Pre- and post-acquisition impact on financial performance: a study on HPCL
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Acquisition, Assets, Capital, Debt, Earnings, Financial Ratios
This study examines the acquisitions in India to comprehend the synergies resulting from the acquisition and its effects on financial performance. The upcoming trends are also examined and suggestions for future action by HPCL are also offered. The impact of the acquisition is discussed in the article after reviewing recent patterns in HPCL. HPCL’s financial performance before and after the acquisition is covered by the study, With the help of financial variables of earnings per share, gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, capital employed turnover ratio, total assets to debt ratio, and a fixed asset to turnover ratio, the article compares HPCL’s financial performance’s weighted means of before and after the acquisition with the help of Paired T-test and ANOVA: single factor. The results imply whether the acquisition has impacted the financial performance of the HPCL.
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