What is practical argumentation?

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Julder Gómez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0019-555X


Practical argumentation, reasoning, argumentation in social sciences, reasons for action


The subject of this text is the concept of practical argumentation, which can be defined as reasoning in social contexts that focuses on selecting an action to solve a practical problem. To develop this definition, I proceed as follows: First, I consider the main interest of the question, what is practical argumentation? Second, I present three important answers to this question and the critics to the first two of them. Third, I add a critic to the third answer and with this, I state the problem of the definition of practical argumentation. Fourth, I present as a thesis that practical argumentation is favorable or contradictory argumentation to a decision. Fifth, I state the difference between practical argumentation from both the agent and the observer of the action on one hand, and on the other, I point out the difference between practical argumentation and soliloquy before practical problems. Finally, I provide a recount of the text progression towards a definition of practical argumentation as a conclusion.


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