Literary Reception in Light of the Theory of Resonance: Available and Unavailable Works and Mediopassive Readers

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Juan Pablo Pino Posada


Ethics of fiction, reception theory, literary criticism, cultural cancellation, critical theory


Contemporary phenomena around the visibility of authors and their works, which relate to the responsibilities of the various agents in the literary field, continually present questions regarding the mechanisms and expectations of the exercise of critical reading by the readers. This article aims to explain the descriptive and normative performances that the concept of resonance offers for this exercise, a concept proposed by Hartmut Rosa within his critical sociology of the good life. The guiding question is: how does the idea of a resonant link with the work enrich the understanding and modeling of critical reading? To answer this, the article will first expose the concept of resonance; next, it will illustrate three forms of relationships to the work through analogies with the cases portrayed in the documentary Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog, in the novel Rayuela by Julio Cortázar and in the short story “Fiction” by Alice Munro. Finally, as a response, the thesis will be presented that the theory of resonance allows us to conceptualize the (desirable) agency of the reader. This agency is understood in terms of a mediopassivity or medioactivity, which involves both exposure to different instances of mediation and the materialization of an ethical judgment about the literary work, as put forward by Wayne C. Booth.


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