This issue of Co-herencia wants to invite a humanistic reflection —particularly, from
philosophy, history and literary analysis— about the way in which these phenomena affect
existing peacebuilding practices, create scenarios in which the Peace must be imagined in
relation to different violence and internal conflicts, and they develop a new language to
legitimize the exercise of violence.
Editors: Jorge Giraldo-Ramírez (Universidad EAFIT) and Juan-Luis Suárez (Western University)
Presentación: A 30 años de The End of History? Conferencia en la Universidad EAFIT
Abstract 503 | PDF (Español) Downloads 390Page 13-14
Thirty Years after The End of History? EAFIT Lecture
Abstract 1027 | PDF Downloads 742 PDF (Español) Downloads 245 | DOI 15-25
Broken Hearts: A Reassessment of Passionate Revolts
Abstract 659 | PDF (Español) Downloads 580 | DOI 27-48
Political Miseries of Vitalism: Mystification of Violence and Poeticization of War
Abstract 800 | PDF (Español) Downloads 619 | DOI 51-85
A Response Based on Ethical Harmonization to the Problem of Reconciliation
Abstract 665 | PDF (Español) Downloads 532 | DOI 89-118
Understanding the Multiple Colombian Conflicts: Theoretical Evolution in the Analysis of the Armed Confrontation
Abstract 2039 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1417 | DOI 119-155
Drug-Trafficking in Colombia: The New Civil War Against Democracy and Peacebuilding
Abstract 5314 | PDF Downloads 1611 | DOI 157-192
Deciphering FARC was to Disarm it. Razón Pública’s Framing of FARC
Abstract 697 | PDF Downloads 558 | DOI 193-230
Stories Sung of War: Forbidden Ballads as a Memory of the Conflict in Guaviare
Abstract 2176 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1201 | DOI 231-266
Conflict and Violence in Post-revolutionary Mexico: From Tlatelolco to Ayotzinapa
Abstract 997 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1072 | DOI 267-287
Building the State: The National Guard and Local Power Structures in the Cauca Provinces, 1820–1850
Abstract 615 | PDF (Español) Downloads 589 | DOI 289-316
War as the antithesis of law and the state’s vision of civil war: Notes on the Colombian Civil War of 1859–1862
Abstract 730 | PDF (Español) Downloads 598 | DOI 317-345
From Beautiful Philosophical Thought to Specific Actions: Peace in the Memoirs of Ángel Cuervo and Tomás Cuenca on the War of 1859–1862
Abstract 659 | PDF (Español) Downloads 490 | DOI 347-369
Dilemmas of Peace and Justice: Notes on the Call for Reconciliation by General Pedro Alcántara Herrán in the Civil War of 1859–1862
Abstract 690 | PDF (Español) Downloads 533 | DOI 375-403
Política de conciliación. Carta política
Abstract 472 | PDF (Español) Downloads 605 | DOI 405-430
Book review
La polis literaria: El boom, la Revolución y otras polémicas de la Guerra Fría, de Rafael Rojas (2018), Taurus, 280 p.
Abstract 690 | PDF (Español) Downloads 464 | DOI 435-437
Art review
Los rostros, los ríos y las ruinas. Trazas de un archivo sensible en el contexto de la violencia política en Colombia
Abstract 751 | PDF (Español) Downloads 704 | DOI 443-463